@elextr commented on this pull request.

In workbench/src/menu.c:

> +					 G_CALLBACK(item_workbench_settings_activate_cb), NULL);
+	geany_plugin_set_data(wb_globals.geany_plugin, menu_data.item_settings, NULL);
+	/* Create new menu item "Close Workbench" */
+	menu_data.item_close = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(_("Close"));
+	gtk_widget_show(menu_data.item_close);
+	gtk_menu_append(GTK_MENU (menu_data.menu), menu_data.item_close);
+	g_signal_connect(menu_data.item_close, "activate",
+					 G_CALLBACK(item_close_workbench_activate_cb), NULL);
+	geany_plugin_set_data(wb_globals.geany_plugin, menu_data.item_close, NULL);
+	/* Add our menu to the main window (left of the help menu) */
+	gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_data.root_item), menu_data.menu);
+	gtk_menu_shell_insert
+		(GTK_MENU_SHELL (ui_lookup_widget(wb_globals.geany_plugin->geany_data->main_widgets->window, "menubar1")),
+		 menu_data.root_item, 8);

These reasons are why plugins generally add to the "Tools" menu rather than adding to the top level.

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