Geany has a preference called “Use project-based session files”. When it’s enabled, a project’s open files are saved on project close and reopened on project open.
I would like a per-project setting to change this behavior such that open files are **opened, but not saved**. In other words, I want to “freeze” a specific set of files to be opened with the project.
My use case: a blunt way to preload a project’s local tags. I have several projects consisting of a few dozen source files each, and I find that simply opening them all at startup is a good way to have all the tags handy. I don’t want heavyweight approaches like Project Organizer.
But I can think of other use cases as well.
Right now I have a blunt patch that relies on the user manually writing `readonly_session=1` in the `.geany` file. I guess that wouldn’t be acceptable for Geany core? What do you think the UI for this feature should look like? Or is it appropriate for Geany core at all?