I was just asking
Sorry if you took it personally, as I said, my grump wasn't directed at you, we are all responsible for it.
I'm not sure if documenting obvious things like filtering just doesn't add noise to the documentation without any real value.
Its a good question, what are we targeting the manual at?
Its currently a random mixture of beginners info and experts info. Certainly Geany users are mostly some sort of developer (I count Markdown and similar writers as developers), but not necessarily the same type, a C expert may not be a HTML/web expert and vice versa. So things that are "obvious" to some users may not be obvious to others even if they are not "beginners", so at least mentioning capabilities to make them discoverable would be good.
As an example I would just add a subsection to the end of the "The Geany workspace" section that mentions the capabilities without going into chapter and verse about how to invoke them or needing @eht16 to add and maintain an image of his right click menus :smile:.
```rest Sidebar Usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The sidebar has a right click menu that can control what is visible and has actions specific to the tab (other tabs added by plugins are described by that plugin documentation):
* Symbols Tab * expand/collapse the tree * control sorting order * locate the symbol in documents
The symbols tab can also be filtered by typing a symbol prefix into ... [@techee to fill in, don't forget when the filter autoremoves (if it does)]
* Documents * expand/collapse the tree * save to or reload from files * search tree based at selected file * show or hide the document paths ```
(Warning: my rEsT may need correcting)