It's a bit cryptic, buit these usually indicate that g-ir-scanner doesn't know about a type which is used, e.g. when the typedef isn't provided (either in the same file or via #include or --c-include). In this case ScintillaObject appears to be unknown.
Thanks, that was missing `-DGTK`, fixed now.
However, I also got this one:
``` …scintilla/include/ScintillaWidget.h:42: syntax error, unexpected identifier in ' void (* notify) (ScintillaObject *sci, int id, SCNotification *scn);' at 'SCNotification' ```
I finally found that it's because *ScintillaWidget.h* doesn't include *Scintilla.h* that defines `SCNotification`. Reordering the parsing order fixes the issue. But your Peasy has the wrong order, so do you get that issue too?
Also, I dropped ``` SCANNERFLAGS += --program-arg=--introspection-dump=$(srcdir)/get-type.txt,$(builddir)/get-type.out ``` which I didn't get the point of, and that didn't seem necessary. And your *api/get-type.txt* file lists an internal function `tm_tag_get_type()` so it seemed odd.
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