@killerbees19 commented on this pull request.
In data/filedefs/filetypes.cil:
> +stringliteral=string +keyword=type +keyword2=keyword_2 +keyword3=keyword_1 +label=preprocessor +operator=operator +stringeol=string_eol +identifier=identifier_1 + +[keywords] +# Credits: Jad Altahan (github.com/xv) - https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/feature-requests/1265/#fa85/e6e8/8255/9ec1/e3a3 +keywords=bool char float32 float64 int int8 int16 int32 int64 native nullref object string typedref uint8 uint32 unsigned abstract ansi assembly auto autochar beforefieldinit catch cdecl cil class compilercontrolled explicit extends extern famandassem family famorassem fastcall final finally forwardref hidebysig implements initonly instance interface internalcall lasterr literal managed nested newslot noinlining nomangle nooptimization notserialized optil pinvokeimpl platformapi preservesig private privatescope public reqsecobj rtspecialname runtime sealed sequential serializable specialname static stdcall strict synchronized thiscall unicode unmanaged unmanagedexp valuetype vararg virtual void winapi +metadata=.addon .assembly .cctor .class .corflags .ctor .custom .data .emitbyte .entrypoint .event .export .field .file .fire .get .hash .imagebase .import .language .line .locale .localized .locals .manifestres .maxstack .method .module .mresource .namespace .other .override .pack .param .pdirect .permission .permissionset .property .property .publickey .publickeytoken .removeon .set .size .stackreserve .subsystem .try .ver .vtable .vtentry .vtfixup .zeroinit +opcode=add add.ovf add.ovf.un and arglist beq beq.s bge bge.s bge.un bge.un.s bgt bgt.s bgt.un bgt.un.s ble ble.s ble.un ble.un.s blt blt.s blt.un blt.un.s bne.un bne.un.s box br br.s break brfalse brfalse.s brinst brinst.s brnull brnull.s brtrue brtrue.s brzero brzero.s bstr call calli callmostderived callvirt castclass ceq cgt cgt.un ckfinite ckfinite clt clt.un constrained. conv.i conv.i1 conv.i2 conv.i4 conv.i8 conv.ovf.i conv.ovf.i.un conv.ovf.i1 conv.ovf.i1.un conv.ovf.i2 conv.ovf.i2.un conv.ovf.i4 conv.ovf.i4.un conv.ovf.i8 conv.ovf.i8.un conv.ovf.u conv.ovf.u.un conv.ovf.u1 conv.ovf.u1.un conv.ovf.u2 conv.ovf.u2.un conv.ovf.u4 conv.ovf.u4.un conv.ovf.u8 conv.ovf.u8.un conv.r.un conv.r4 conv.r8 conv.u conv.u1 conv.u2 conv.u4 conv.u8 cpblk cpobj div div.un dup endfault endfilter endfinally initblk initobj isinst jmp ldarg ldarg.0 ldarg.1 ldarg.2 ldarg.3 ldarg.s ldarga ldarga.s ldc.i4 ldc.i4.0 ldc.i4.1 ldc.i4.2 ldc.i4.3 ldc.i4.4 ldc.i4.5 ldc.i4.6 ldc.i4.7 ldc.i4.8 ldc.i4.m1 ldc.i4.s ldc.i8 ldc.r4 ldc.r8 ldelem ldelem.i ldelem.i1 ldelem.i2 ldelem.i4 ldelem.i8 ldelem.r4 ldelem.r8 ldelem.ref ldelem.u1 ldelem.u2 ldelem.u4 ldelema ldfld ldflda ldftn ldind.i ldind.i1 ldind.i2 ldind.i4 ldind.i8 ldind.r4 ldind.r8 ldind.ref ldind.u1 ldind.u2 ldind.u4 ldlen ldloc ldloc.0 ldloc.1 ldloc.2 ldloc.3 ldloc.s ldloca ldloca.s ldnull ldobj ldsfld ldsflda ldstr ldtoken ldvirtftn leave leave.s localloc mkrefany mul mul.ovf mul.ovf.un neg newarr newobj no. nop not or pop readonly. refanytype refanyval rem rem.un ret rethrow shl shr shr.un sizeof starg starg.s stelem stelem.i stelem.i1 stelem.i2 stelem.i4 stelem.i8 stelem.r4 stelem.r8 stelem.ref stfld stind.i stind.i1 stind.i2 stind.i4 stind.i8 stind.r4 stind.r8 stind.ref stloc stloc.0 stloc.1 stloc.2 stloc.3 stloc.s stobj stsfld sub sub.ovf sub.ovf.un switch tail. throw unaligned. unbox unbox.any volatile. xor + +[settings]
I don't know what to do at this point. What exactly should I do, I don't understand it right now. Please give me another hint for the right direction. Thank you!
(I have added the MIME type in the meantime.)
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