I think I'd stop using Geany then :-)
Since its `right-click->goto definition` (or a keyboard shortcut) in all other IDEs that I checked where ya gonna go? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And remember that LSP has added `goto typedefinition` and `find references` as well as `goto definition`, and probably could add `goto declaration` to match Vscode. Retrain your muscle memory to right click and you can have a cornucopia of options [end marketing] :grinning:
I'm not against infinite flexibility, but as @nyamatongwe pointed out, various combinations work or don't work and are available or not available depending on the platform and as @b4n pointed out on Linux on the desktop being used.
So the user is going to have to choose random combinations and test them until they see what works for them, not a good UI.
Also note that `Alt` is the "present mnemonics" key in GTK, its getting very overloaded on Linux with desktops using it as well.
Google finds some hits on queries about how to return `Ctrl+click` to something after some app repurposed it, so it seems we are not be alone in this quandary. Having assigned a keybinding long ago that has now become common on some platforms for a different operation there will always be some users (you ;-) who will complain when its repurposed to match the common use. And of course its not common on all platforms, sigh.
My thought is still that the odd one out, `Ctrl+click` for `goto definition`, is the thing to go on Linux and Windows. On Macos if you can use `Alt+click` for multiselect you could keep it, but its gonna be confusing if users ask questions when the operation is different between platforms.