@techee pushed 14 commits.
- c3968b0 Add phpactor configuration
- bad4fab Always update last context menu click position
- f533b00 Rename "Rename in File" to "Rename Highlighted" which is more descriptive
- ae9821f Add Latex configuration, drop Swift macOS configuration
- bbe28fa Add configuration for Ruby
- 5453321 Don't retry server restarts if the server fails to launch
- ba14547 Call on_document_visible() in plugin_init()
- a458632 Fix some LSP server process management issues
- bfc6c41 Update formatting in lsp.conf
- 9e64bd1 Add keybinding for showing diagnostic messages
- 45064cf Configure pyright instead of pylsp by default
- 4432bdb Remove retry loops as there's now the on_server_initialized() callback which can be used
- 5a3574c Add an "just in case" server kill
- 74dacc9 Use G_SOURCE_REMOVE for better clarity
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