@b4n Is there anything else other than the focus-out-event signal we could use? When I tested it in #3907, the signal was fired when the window lost focus for some "real" window such as a dialog but not for the case reported by OP here with the menus. To be precise, I connected main_widgets.window because we cannot connect every possible widget in the main window and then focus-out-event is fired only when focus truly leaves the main window for some other window.

But maybe even if we aren't able to fix the menu item click problem, focus-out-event fixes most of the other situations so it might still be worth adding (don't look much at #3907, it's not completely right).

Also happens if you e.g. switch windows or workspace while holding Ctrl -- and this is entirely out of our control.

I'd expect focus-out-event would be fired in this case, right?

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