The result of g_get_os_info must be freed even it is not explicitly stated in the docs
I assumed based on the lack of `[transfer full]` or whatever annotation that it wasn't required, since basically every binding will have a leak otherwise, but you are correct and it's just a bug that the annotation is missing and all automatically generated bindings will leak.
Output on ArchLinux: Output on Windows 7:
Thanks for testing! Based on the output on Ubuntu, Arch and Windows so far, I suggest we go with only printing the "pretty name", like just this one printf:
```c geany_debug("OS: %s", get_os_info_field(G_OS_INFO_KEY_PRETTY_NAME)); ```
Sound good?
@techee would it be possible that you could test this on Macos? I'm not sure how involved that would be, if it's too much trouble, no worries.