Well, it's an interesting problem but I'm not sure it totally qualifies as a bug. Your sample file leads to infinite recursion, thus exploding the stack and leading to the crash. This makes GDB return 104806 stack frames (on my machine), which, well, is a lot. The hang you see is the time the plugin takes to process all the frames and populate the *Call Stack* tab.
There is an easy optimization that makes a part of the process quite a lot faster (in *dbm_gdb.c:get_stack()*), but it's still a tiny part of the overall time it takes, which is almost entirely taken building the *Call Stack* tab. Not quite sure what can be done here apart making the whole thing a lot faster (not sure how), or make the population incremental (probably tricky in the current state, and not very practical for the user as the frames will be missing).
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