As for directly including the version files, I think something less ugly can be worked out
I was too harsh. The earlier suggestion was really no worse than the version parsing you'll find in Lexilla's [development scripts]:
```python # Discover version information version = (lexillaDir / "version.txt").read_text().strip() versionDotted = version[0] + '.' + version[1] + '.' + version[2] versionCommad = versionDotted.replace(".", ", ") + ', 0' ```
or [Scintilla's]:
```python class ScintillaData: def __init__(self, scintillaRoot): # Discover version information self.version = (scintillaRoot / "version.txt").read_text().strip() self.versionDotted = self.version[0] + '.' + self.version[1] + '.' + \ self.version[2] self.versionCommad = self.versionDotted.replace(".", ", ") + ', 0' ```
But then, how does SciTE manage all those version numbers in the About dialog?
```cpp #ifndef SCITE_H #define SCITE_H
// Version numbers and dates #define VERSION_SCITE "5.1.6" #define VERSION_WORDS 5, 1, 6, 0 #define COPYRIGHT_DATES "December 1998-December 2021" #define COPYRIGHT_YEARS "1998-2021" #define VERSION_SCINTILLA "5.1.5" #define VERSION_LEXILLA "5.1.4" ```
[development scripts]: [Scintilla's]: [Ah!]: