I’ve been using Geany with patches whereby [typeahead search](https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkTreeView.html#gtk-tree-view-set-s...) in the symbols list and in [TreeBrowser](http://plugins.geany.org/treebrowser.html) uses [`g_str_match_string`](https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-String-Utility-Functions.html#g...) instead of simply matching by prefix.
Now, when I type “ba”, it finds not just `bar` but also `foo_bar` and `foo-bar`, etc. (not `FooBar` though).
It’s convenient.
The change itself is simple (all the heavy lifting is in GTK+/GLib), but I’m pretty sure this behavior cannot be made the default, as it might cause too many false positives, and would break habits.
What do you think of having such a feature as an option?
If suitable, what do you think its granularity should be? Should it be a checkbox for every tree view where it makes sense, like “Use fuzzy search in symbols list”, “Use fuzzy search in documents list” and so on?
(Also, I’m not sure it should be just [`g_str_match_string`](https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/glib-String-Utility-Functions.html#g...). Maybe typing “ba” should find `FooBar` as well. Maybe typing “fb” should find `foo_bar`, like in [Commander](http://plugins.geany.org/commander.html).)