As requested, here is the justification for the additional keywords: 1. PHP7 added new [standard exception types]( (classes). New `Error` objects can also be thrown for non-fatal errors. The geany keyword list already included the old standard `Exception` so it makes sense to also include the new, specialized exceptions and errors (ie. `ArgumentCountError`, `ArithmeticError`, `ErrorException`, etc.) 2. `assert` is now a [language construct]( in PHP7. Language constructs like `isset`, `array`, and `unset` were already included in the geany PHP keywords list so it makes sense to add this new one. 3. Some [magic methods]( like `__sleep` and `__wakeup` were already included in the PHP keywords list, but the other magic methods like `__construct`, `__call`, etc. were missing. All magic methods should be included for consistency. 4. PHP7 adds new [interfaces]( and makes better use of old ones. They can be implemented in user classes or used for function argument type hinting: `callable`, `traversable`, `closure`, `iterable` (PHP 7.1), etc. 5. When running PHP in CLI mode, appropriate [streams]( are automatically bound to the constants `STDIN`, `STDOUT`, and `STDERR`. Other fundamental constants like `TRUE`/`FALSE` were already in the keyword list. I suggest including the stdio streams too. 6. `void` is a [new return type]( in PHP 7.1.