I'm not sure the OPs code should do anything...

In my Lua test code, what I'm interested in is the return value. Even if the function ultimately doesn't have to switch tabs, idx should still be set greater than 0 and return true. But no matter what I send, including numbers that should work, like 1, it returns false.

Even if it did set the notebook tab GTK does not say it grabs focus, so the Geanylua doc... is wrong anyway.

Okay. But the tab isn't changed. Even if focus isn't changed, changing the tab would be an improvement. Somehow by the end of the function, idx <= 0, causing false to be returned. Maybe the problem is lua_gettop(L)>0 and idx is never changed from its initialized value?

Presumably, this function did work at some time in GeanyLua's past?

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