@elextr commented on this pull request.

In src/keybindings.h:

> @@ -274,6 +274,8 @@ enum GeanyKeyBindingID
 	GEANY_KEYS_FORMAT_SENDTOCMD8,				/**< Keybinding. */
 	GEANY_KEYS_FORMAT_SENDTOCMD9,				/**< Keybinding. */
+												 * @since 1.34   */

Well, now @b4n has brought it up, yes this should increment the API, but probably not the ABI since although GEANY_KEYS_COUNT will change it says "must not be used in plugins". And IMO the @since should be the API, thats what plugin writers care about and need to specify to ensure a compatible Geany version. Theoretically the API could change several times in a release cycle, though that was more of a problem back when it was years (literally) between releases.

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