So going to Edit > Preferences > Various > interface.statusbar_template and changing text 'scope' to 'cope' and [Apply] ... does nothing (and I believe that I have followed the manual's instructions - I tried both [Apply] and [OK] buttons);

Did you press enter in the field to say editing is complete before you pressed ok?

It is the normal operation of the GTK UI toolkit that Geany uses that fields are changed when you press enter but actioned when you press OK. This is in compliance with the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines that GTK 3 implements. GTK has been evolving from the traditional GTK 2 desktop toolkit paradigm that allows multiple fields to be changed and actioned when "Ok" or "Apply" is clicked and the GTK 4 Gnome guidelines webby paradigm that allows individual fields to be changed and actioned and there is only a "Close" and no "Ok" or "Apply" on the dialog. Unfortunately GTK3 that Geany uses is a bit caught in the middle of that migration and has the above inconvenience.

I guess that we have differences on what the 'F' of RTFM stands for.

Compare to other IDE "manuals", even Eclipse which started out as an IBM commercial project and whose manual is huge, or Vscode which is MS backed. Neither explains basic GUI operation like text field entry (AFAICFind).

Geany is an open source project, feel free to contribute updates to the manual if you feel it is inadequate.

It's crazy, I know, but I was hoping that geany would allow customisation of things like wordchars and keywords. I

Geany is entirely dependent on what the lexers allow.

If only there was some feature like a configuration file for each file extension that allowed that.

The file you have been writing? It has the list of keywords, but its up to lexers what they test the keywords against, IIRC Perl keywords are just letters, so its not surprising that the lexer only accepts that.

The wordchars are used for things like word movements and selections, but can't be forced on lexers, which after all are for a specific language, and most languages don't have "words", they have keywords and identifiers and operators which are a fixed syntax for each language and its not surprising thats what the lexers hard code.

Thats why I keep saying the lexer is only going to be "close enough" when used for another language unless you are very lucky.

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