
those links only work in github, thats why I said "proper" links.

I had no chance to deduce that.

.babelrc is the initialisation file for a particular application, not a language filetype

I don't see the problem. It is formatted in JSON5 and I would expect Geany to properly handle that fact by default.

.editorconfig is a config file that does not work (last time I heard) with Geany, so it would be kind of confusing to add it to the extensions.

It is formatted in TOML and I would expect Geany to properly handle that fact by default as well. I can edit such file for other collaborators in my project, who don't happen to use Geany.

Json5 is a non-standard extension of json, how well is it supported by the JS in Geany?

It is a strict subset of JS, as written in repository I gave you link to.

Pipfile and Pipfile.lock are certainly part of the Pipenv tool mentioned from Python.org, but IIUC they are not user edited files, pipenv manages them, so the few people who want/need to directly edit them can add to their personal filetypes.extensions.

Pipfile is definitely to be edited by humans. It's just that command line tool is able to edit it as well. Pipfile.lock is indeed generated automatically, but when opened for inspection in Geany, it is unnecessarily raw, even though being written in JSON format.

TOML as noted above is a language so appropriate for a filetype (...)

.vue is a particular JS framework, not a language of its own, so people who use that framework can add it to their own filetypes.extensions.

If something is JSON, then it should be considered JSON by editor. Same for other file types. This is what extension system is for, so that we can pin different extensions to the same file type.

This division to "languages" and "non-languages" seems artificial and harmful. Managing file types by hand is tedious and unnecessary. If a file is known to be of particular type, why not associate it with that type by default?

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