Thanks for the answer!
in the "Tools" I did not find such an item, in the "build" found. In the command to Pascal in the item "compile" in the working directory specified "C: \ FPC \ 3.0.0 \ bin \ i386-win32 ".
Here is the log.
21:18:52: It Geany 1.28. 21:18:53: File C: \ 111 \ 1.pas open (1). 21:19:16: The configuration files are loaded again. 21:20:37: A new file "C: \ Users \ Alex \ AppData \ Roaming \ geany \ snippets.conf". 21:21:09: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ AppData \ Roaming \ geany \ snippets.conf closed. 21:21:58: The process has failed (Can not find the file specified) 21:25:55: The process has failed (Can not find the file specified)