ralf3u created an issue (geany/geany#4251)
When coding in the editor I can press the shortcut `Toggle Sidebar` to let appear the sidebar, so I can see editor&sidebar side by side. The focus is then still in the editor. I can change the size of the width of editor&sidebar by moving the vertical separating line with the mouse. When I press again the shortcut `Toggle Sidebar`, then the sidebar disappears. I like this behavior. But sometimes I would like to toggle between only editor and only sidebar, so I see only one of both, editor or sidebar.
**Remarks** - The shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar` should not take care if the message window is enabled or disabled. - If the shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar` is pressed, then the shortcut should first verify if one of both (editor or sidebar) is disabled. If this is not possible to code because the editor can't be disabled, then maybe this could be a solution: If the shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar` is pressed, then the shortcut should first verify if either sidebar is disabled or sidebar has a width of 100%. - If the shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar` is pressed, and if there is a toggle, then the focus should also toggle (if it toggles to only editor, the focus or rather the cursor should be in the editor; if it toggles to only sidebar, the focus should be in the content area of the sidebar).