@elextr commented on this pull request.

In doc/plugins.dox:

> +
+Since Geany 2.1 the PluginExtension API allows plugins to take over some of
+the core Geany functionality, such as autocopletion, calltip display, symbol goto,
+typename highlighting inside document, etc.
+@section plugin_extension_init Initialization and cleanup
+First, any plugin interested in using this interface has to register its
+@c PluginExtension instance using @c plugin_extension_register(). This typically
+happens in the @c init() function of the plugin. Registered extensions have to be
+unregistered before the plugin is unloaded using @c plugin_extension_unregister(),
+typically inside the @c cleanup() function of the plugin.
+@section plugin_extension_impl Implementing extensions
+Inside the @c PluginExtension instance, the plugin fills-in the pointers to

Geany is C, not C++ or Java 😁 so use the C term, "struct"

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