When tabbing through the interface to change the currently focused widget, one gets stuck when reaching the overview.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Enable Overview plugin 2. Get keyboard focus to the message window (e.g. click on one of the status lines) 3. hit <kbd>Shift+Tab</kbd> twice: first one will reach the msgwindow's tab itself (e.g. "Status"), second will reach overview
At this point, it's not possible to move anymore using <kbd>Tab</kbd> or <kbd>Shift+Tab</kbd>. I don't believe this is on purpose, or has any usefulness as the overview isn't editable.
Proposed fix: mark the overview itself as not focusable (`gtk_widget_set_can_focus(self, FALSE)`) so it's skipped over. Alternatively, if you want to e.g. allow arrows to move in the overview, make sure to left focus cycling through.