I gave it some testing and it works fine. I want to repeat I'm really bad at Perl and saw Raku the first time now. Btw, I did not fell in love with it :D.
Good, I was worried we'd have to rewrite Geany in it :-)
The perl6.c parser is taken from uctags, I assume. If so, we probably should to rename it as it was done in https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags/pull/3777.
I'm aware of that, I was just thinking it could be done during the next "ctags sync" if it's not a problem.
Geany detects https://github.com/Raku/examples/blob/master/categories/games/blackjack.p6 as Perl even the file extension tells Raku. This is because of the shebang in the file.
I totally missed that one, thanks! I've just made a fixup commit with the proposed fix.
Is anything else missing? If there are no other problems, I'd like to merge this PR so we are finally done with it.