In theory: ```lua local function GetEmptyLines(sLE, iLE) local sR = "" for i = 1, iLE do sR = sR .. sLE end return sR end
local aEOL = {"\r\n", "\r", "\n"} local iEOL = geany.scintilla("SCI_GETEOLMODE") local sAdd = GetEmptyLines(aEOL[iEOL + 1], 15)
local iCurPos = geany.caret() local iL, iC = geany.rowcol(iCurPos) iCurPos = geany.scintilla("SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION", iL - 1) geany.caret(iCurPos) geany.selection(sAdd) geany.caret(iCurPos + string.len(aEOL[iEOL + 1])) ```
```lua local function GetEmptyLines(sLE, iLE) local sR = "" for i = 1, iLE do sR = sR .. sLE end return sR end
local aEOL = {"\r\n", "\r", "\n"} local iEOL = geany.scintilla("SCI_GETEOLMODE") local sAdd = GetEmptyLines(aEOL[iEOL + 1], 25)
local iLines = geany.height() local sTxt = geany.text() geany.text(sTxt .. sAdd) local iCurPos = geany.rowcol(iLines + 1, 0) geany.caret(iCurPos) ```
It seems, the second script did not work correctly: ```lua local iCurPos = geany.rowcol(iLines + 1, 0) ``` but in this moment, the line with the number `iLines + 1` does not yet exist.
I do not think I ever heard it called a “caret” before.
"Cursor" can be either a "text cursor" or a "mouse cursor", maybe this is the reason? In any case, this word is an adequate word and can be seen in the documentation of various projects.