Line dialogs.c:1347 says "/* For a cancel button, use cancel response so user can press escape to cancel */" however in line 1357 only GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL is linked to response_2, but esc KEY triggers a GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVEN; hence it should be included also in 1357.
I found it because of a strange behaviour when cancelling a keybinding override in preferences dialog. You can reproduce it like so: go to prefs>keybindings, set a keybinding which is already used for another command, then Geany will show up a dialog saying that the combination is already used. Once there, if you press Esc key, you'll see that it does the "Allow" action, instead of -what the user would expect- the "Cancel" action.
I'm testing it and dialogs work fine as well as the issue exposed above is fixed.
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