I don't see this as a particularly bad

No, its not ...

few specifics hard-coded for the languages we have to

... just that you can't do that ATM without a hard coded filetype. Which is why I asked the question, not knowing that the parser was a freebie thrown in by @techee, not added by the filetype creator.

And if there's nothing specific this filetype would need hard-coded, I don't see no harm

I don't know TS, but if you say its C ... [ducks]

but that could be a bonus a few VIP names get.

C for example???? [ducks]

Of course the "small" issue of making highlightingmappings.h be read from filetype files is a minor issue in the path to fully loadable filetypes, lexers and parsers. 😜

But in general totally agree that moving towards names and dynamic configuration is better.

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