Sorry for the delay...
`File | Properties` says the file is utf-8, which is the same encoding as is selected in `Document | Set encoding...`. Running `chardet` on it returns `ISO-8859-9` (which I understand is as valid as ISO-8859-1 and others).
If I look inside the file, I find: (the `ñ` is at 0x122)
``` 120 20 61 c3 b1 6f 73 3a 20 22 20 2e 0a 20 20 20 20 a..os: " .. 130 20 20 77 33 5f 6c 69 6e 6b 32 73 28 22 77 65 65 w3_link2s("wee ``` The strange thing is that `chardet` claims `ISO-8859-9` which should have 'ñ' as a one-byte code. I load the file in Python3 as `open('weekly.php', rb)` and pass the contents as `bytes` to `chardet...
So, the issue does not seem to be Geany's.
Thanks for the info though!