@b4n commented on this pull request.
In data/filedefs/filetypes.raku:
> +functions=ACCEPTS AT-KEY EVALFILE EXISTS-KEY Filetests IO STORE abs accept acos acosec acosech acosh acotan acotanh alarm and antipairs asec asech asin asinh atan atan2 atanh base bind binmode bless break caller ceiling chars chdir chmod chomp chop chr chroot chrs cis close closedir codes comb conj connect contains continue cos cosec cosech cosh cotan cotanh crypt dbm defined die do dump each elems eof exec exists exit exp expmod fc fcntl fileno flat flip flock floor fmt fork formats functions get getc getpeername getpgrp getppid getpriority getsock gist glob gmtime goto grep hyper import index int invert ioctl is-prime iterator join keyof keys kill kv last lazy lc lcfirst lines link list listen local localtime lock log log10 lsb lstat map match mkdir msb msg my narrow new next no of open ord ords our pack package pairs path pick pipe polymod pop pos pred print printf prototype push quoting race rand read readdir readline readlink readpipe recv redo ref rename requires reset return reverse rewinddir rindex rmdir roots round samecase say scalar sec sech seek seekdir select semctl semget semop send set setpgrp setpriority setsockopt shift shm shutdown sign sin sinh sleep sockets sort splice split sprintf sqrt srand stat state study sub subst substr substr-rw succ symlink sys syscall system syswrite tan tanh tc tclc tell telldir tie time times trans trim trim-leading trim-trailing truncate uc ucfirst unimatch uniname uninames uniprop uniprops unival unlink unpack unpolar unshift untie use utime values wait waitpid wantarray warn wordcase words write +types_basic=AST Any Block Bool CallFrame Callable Code Collation Compiler Complex ComplexStr Cool CurrentThreadScheduler Date DateTime Dateish Distribution Distribution::Hash Distribution::Locally Distribution::Path Duration Encoding Encoding::Registry Endian FatRat ForeignCode HyperSeq HyperWhatever Instant Int IntStr Junction Label Lock::Async Macro Method Mu Nil Num NumStr Numeric ObjAt Parameter Perl PredictiveIterator Proxy RaceSeq Rat RatStr Rational Real Routine Routine::WrapHandle Scalar Sequence Signature Str StrDistance Stringy Sub Submethod Telemetry Telemetry::Instrument::Thread Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPool Telemetry::Instrument::Usage Telemetry::Period Telemetry::Sampler UInt ValueObjAt Variable Version Whatever WhateverCode atomicint bit bool buf buf1 buf16 buf2 buf32 buf4 buf64 buf8 int int1 int16 int2 int32 int4 int64 int8 long longlong num num32 num64 rat rat1 rat16 rat2 rat32 rat4 rat64 rat8 uint uint1 uint16 uint2 uint32 uint4 uint64 uint8 utf16 utf32 utf8 +types_composite=Array Associative Bag BagHash Baggy Blob Buf Capture Enumeration Hash Iterable Iterator List Map Mix MixHash Mixy NFC NFD NFKC NFKD Pair Positional PositionalBindFailover PseudoStash QuantHash Range Seq Set SetHash Setty Slip Stash Uni utf8 +types_domain=Attribute Cancellation Channel CompUnit CompUnit::Repository CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem CompUnit::Repository::Installation Distro Grammar IO IO::ArgFiles IO::CatHandle IO::Handle IO::Notification IO::Path IO::Path::Cygwin IO::Path::QNX IO::Path::Unix IO::Path::Win32 IO::Pipe IO::Socket IO::Socket::Async IO::Socket::INET IO::Spec IO::Spec::Cygwin IO::Spec::QNX IO::Spec::Unix IO::Spec::Win32 IO::Special Kernel Lock Match Order Pod::Block Pod::Block::Code Pod::Block::Comment Pod::Block::Declarator Pod::Block::Named Pod::Block::Para Pod::Block::Table Pod::Defn Pod::FormattingCode Pod::Heading Pod::Item Proc Proc::Async Promise Regex Scheduler Semaphore Supplier Supplier::Preserving Supply Systemic Tap Thread ThreadPoolScheduler VM +types_exceptions=Backtrace Backtrace::Frame CX::Done CX::Emit CX::Last CX::Next CX::Proceed CX::Redo CX::Return CX::Succeed CX::Take CX::Warn Exception Failure X::AdHoc X::Anon::Augment X::Anon::Multi X::Assignment::RO X::Attribute::NoPackage X::Attribute::Package X::Attribute::Required X::Attribute::Undeclared X::Augment::NoSuchType X::Bind X::Bind::NativeType X::Bind::Slice X::Caller::NotDynamic X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosed X::Channel::SendOnClosed X::Comp X::Composition::NotComposable X::Constructor::Positional X::Control X::ControlFlow X::ControlFlow::Return X::DateTime::TimezoneClash X::Declaration::Scope X::Declaration::Scope::Multi X::Does::TypeObject X::Dynamic::NotFound X::Eval::NoSuchLang X::Export::NameClash X::IO X::IO::Chdir X::IO::Chmod X::IO::Copy X::IO::Cwd X::IO::Dir X::IO::DoesNotExist X::IO::Link X::IO::Mkdir X::IO::Move X::IO::Rename X::IO::Rmdir X::IO::Symlink X::IO::Unlink X::Inheritance::NotComposed X::Inheritance::Unsupported X::Method::InvalidQualifier X::Method::NotFound X::Method::Private::Permission X::Method::Private::Unqualified X::Mixin::NotComposable X::NYI X::NoDispatcher X::Numeric::Real X::OS X::Obsolete X::OutOfRange X::Package::Stubbed X::Parameter::Default X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraints X::Parameter::Placeholder X::Parameter::Twigil X::Parameter::WrongOrder X::Phaser::Multiple X::Phaser::PrePost X::Placeholder::Block X::Placeholder::Mainline X::Pod X::Proc::Async X::Proc::Async::AlreadyStarted X::Proc::Async::BindOrUse X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytes X::Proc::Async::MustBeStarted X::Proc::Async::OpenForWriting X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawn X::Proc::Unsuccessful X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBroken X::Promise::Vowed X::Redeclaration X::Role::Initialization X::Scheduler::CueInNaNSeconds X::Seq::Consumed X::Sequence::Deduction X::Signature::NameClash X::Signature::Placeholder X::Str::Numeric X::StubCode X::Syntax X::Syntax::Augment::WithoutMonkeyTyping X::Syntax::Comment::Embedded X::Syntax::Confused X::Syntax::InfixInTermPosition X::Syntax::Malformed X::Syntax::Missing X::Syntax::NegatedPair X::Syntax::NoSelf X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRange X::Syntax::P5 X::Syntax::Perl5Var X::Syntax::Regex::Adverb X::Syntax::Regex::SolitaryQuantifier X::Syntax::Reserved X::Syntax::Self::WithoutObject X::Syntax::Signature::InvocantMarker X::Syntax::Term::MissingInitializer X::Syntax::UnlessElse X::Syntax::Variable::Match X::Syntax::Variable::Numeric X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil X::Temporal X::Temporal::InvalidFormat X::TypeCheck X::TypeCheck::Assignment X::TypeCheck::Binding X::TypeCheck::Return X::TypeCheck::Splice X::Undeclared +adverbs=D a array b backslash c closure delete double exec exists f function h hash heredoc k kv p q qq quotewords s scalar single sym to v val w words ww x + +[lexer_properties] +styling.within.preprocessor=1 + +[settings] +# default extension used when saving files +extension=raku + +# MIME type +mime_type=text/x-perl6
Fair enough, and I guess it a MIME type pops up it'll support this alias anyway -- and we can updated it later on if something appears out of the fog at some point.
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