@eht16, #3365 adds the setting to ellipsize the tab filenames, thats fine.
My comment (ok rant :-) above was that that setting is used for the filename in the window title as well [here](https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/b3dde4d21d55f97475b623f714a1156c8d2a46d9...).
But the window title width is greater than the sum of the widths of the tabs, so it does not make sense to use the tab width for the window title. So I am proposing that window title needs its own setting. Maybe for now just don't limit the window title at all (use 99999 as a constant in the above line).
@ineuw you might have been confused because I had forgotten that the tab setting was added since 1.38 so unless you had a recent git version you wouldn't have had that setting either, sorry.