how do you build Geany? I assume in a Mingw64 shell against "mingw-w64-x86_64-*" packages? I'm wondering why it didn't crash for me.

@eht16 yeah, I have built Geany from Mingw64 shell against /mingw64/lib and /mingw64/include, i.e against mingw-w64-x86_64 packages. I recently changed my MSYS2 environment, previously it had been x32 MSYS2, now it is x64 MSYS2 fresh installed, so I had to rebuilt my Geany instance. The previous Geany instance was x64 with x32

That might be the difference, I use the same combination as you (Mingw64 shell + /mingw64/lib) but my MSYS2 installation is rather old.
Thanks for the information.

For completeness, there are a couple of more occurences with the wrong cast:
Should we fix those as well?

I think these occurrences should be fixed as well. The numbered bookmarks plugin crashed for me also, [...]

Agreed, would you mind extending this PR?

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