Looks good _but_ I didn't check if the actual lexer names are correct - but see the related comment in the review.
Yeah that's the tricky/boring part.
What I did was based on the results from `git grep -h 'LexerModule.*SCLEX_' | sed -r 's/^.*(SCLEX_\w*)\W[^"]*("[^"]*").*$/\1: \2/' | sort -u` (which misses Erlang which has its definition span multiple lines, but that's the only one), and then do it manually.
I validated part of it by loading all ctags test files `geany -vc /tmp/tempconf/ $(find tests/ctags/ -type f ! -name '*.tags')` (this command is not perfect and load TRS/LOG files as well, but meh), and verify that nothing crashes, and that everything is styled some way or another (e.g. has colors), and get worried each time it didn't work only to see we don't have a lexer for that language.