ralf3u created an issue (geany/geany#4252)
When coding in the editor I can press the shortcut `Toggle Sidebar` to let appear the sidebar, so I can see editor&sidebar side by side. The focus is then still in the editor. I can change the size of the width of editor&sidebar by moving the vertical separating line with the mouse. When I press again the shortcut `Toggle Sidebar`, then the sidebar disappears. I like this behavior. But sometimes I would like to toggle between editor&sidebar and only sidebar.
- Yesterday I opened the issue 4251 at Geany. It is about the shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar`. The shortcut is different than this shortcut.
- The shortcut `Toggle between editor&sidebar and only sidebar` should not take care if the message window is enabled or disabled.
- If the shortcut `Toggle between editor&sidebar and only sidebar` is pressed, then the shortcut should first verify if sidebar is disabled. If sidebar is disabled, then nothing should happen.
- If the shortcut `Toggle between editor&sidebar and only sidebar` is pressed, and if there is a toggle, then the focus should also toggle (if it toggles to editor&sidebar, the focus or rather the cursor should be in the editor; if it toggles to only sidebar, the focus should be in the content area of the sidebar).
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Message ID: <geany/geany/issues/4252(a)github.com>
ralf3u created an issue (geany/geany#4251)
When coding in the editor I can press the shortcut `Toggle Sidebar` to let appear the sidebar, so I can see editor&sidebar side by side. The focus is then still in the editor. I can change the size of the width of editor&sidebar by moving the vertical separating line with the mouse. When I press again the shortcut `Toggle Sidebar`, then the sidebar disappears. I like this behavior. But sometimes I would like to toggle between only editor and only sidebar, so I see only one of both, editor or sidebar.
- The shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar` should not take care if the message window is enabled or disabled.
- If the shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar` is pressed, then the shortcut should first verify if one of both (editor or sidebar) is disabled. If this is not possible to code because the editor can't be disabled, then maybe this could be a solution: If the shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar` is pressed, then the shortcut should first verify if either sidebar is disabled or sidebar has a width of 100%.
- If the shortcut `Toggle between only editor and only sidebar` is pressed, and if there is a toggle, then the focus should also toggle (if it toggles to only editor, the focus or rather the cursor should be in the editor; if it toggles to only sidebar, the focus should be in the content area of the sidebar).
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Message ID: <geany/geany/issues/4251(a)github.com>
Thanks to Geany-Preview (https://github.com/xiota/geany-preview), one can code within Geany on one side the code in the editor and see in the same window on the other side, in the sidebar, a preview of the code. Geany gives the possibility to switch with a shortcut to the editor and Geany gives the possibility to switch with a shortcut to the sidebar, but with different shortcuts (https://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#focus-keybindings). Better would be to use always one shortcut to toggle editor/sidebar.
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Dear Geany-team,
I have **_added functionality_** to `print_external`. More specific, I have included/aligned most of the replacements that are present in the build dialog box:
- replace `%d` with the absolute path
- replace `%e` with the filename (excluding extension)
- replace `%f` with the filename (including extension)
- replace `%p` with the absolute path/filename (including extension)
This would permit to use external print commands like:
`cat "%p" | prt1403 -e -y -u PYNCKELS -j %e -o "%p".pdf -`
which would create an output as shown in the joined file.
During development, I have noticed a file `config~`. I have **_added this name_** to `.gitignore`
I would be much obliged if you could accept this PR.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Add print_external macros %e %d
* Add config~ to files to ignore
* Add %d %e %p to print_external, align meaning of %f with build
-- File Changes --
M .gitignore (1)
M src/printing.c (25)
-- Patch Links --
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Message ID: <geany/geany/pull/4250(a)github.com>
I have been attempting to compile geany from git and although it appears to build successfully, when I try to run it, the following error is displayed:
> (geany:29825): Geany-ERROR **: 16:14:48.297: Cannot create user-interface: Failed to open file “geany.glade”: No such file or directory
Trace/breakpoint trap
I have configured the build with './autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/geany' and when I type in the following:
> /opt/geany/bin/geany --print-prefix
the following is displayed:
> /opt/geany
Due to the error, I tried to install from the repository for my linux distribution (Debian testing/buster) on a 64 bit machine and even their version has the same problem.
I can change to the /opt/geany/share/geany directory and then run the program and it will start up (as the glade file is in that directory) but then it will not load the plugins that I have also built from git.
I note that in the Makefile that GEANY_DATA_DIR is being set to /opt/geany/share/geany which seems to be correct but it does not seem to be getting taken into account in the final executable or libraries.
Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.
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I used to editing script like php on geany and when try to use it I prefer pressing F5 than running command in terminal `$ php script.php`. but I realize that when I use geany terminal, it didn't recognized the `$PATH` that was set on .bashrc, like when using nodejs for example `$cmd = "node -v"; exec($cmd);` it just said `sh: 1: node: not found` if I install the nodejs from nvm. is there anyway to add the same `$PATH` on geany terminal?
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Message ID: <geany/geany/issues/4227(a)github.com>
This patch:
- adds a scripts/update-themes.py script copying themes with compatible licenses (themes with no explicit license are skipped for now)
- copies these themes under data/colorschemes
- adds lgpl-2.0.txt, lgpl-2.1.txt, gpl-3.0.txt to data/colorschemes to cover themes not falling under Geany'sGPL 2.0 or later
Fixes #4035.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Add themes from geany-themes
-- File Changes --
M data/Makefile.am (43)
A data/colorschemes/abc-dark.conf (120)
A data/colorschemes/abc-light.conf (120)
A data/colorschemes/bespin.conf (121)
A data/colorschemes/black.conf (125)
A data/colorschemes/cyber-sugar.conf (135)
A data/colorschemes/darcula.conf (149)
A data/colorschemes/dark-colors.conf (136)
A data/colorschemes/dark-fruit-salad.conf (121)
A data/colorschemes/dark.conf (120)
A data/colorschemes/delt-dark.conf (106)
A data/colorschemes/earthsong.conf (120)
A data/colorschemes/epsilon.conf (117)
A data/colorschemes/evg-ega-dark.conf (148)
A data/colorschemes/gedit.conf (120)
A data/colorschemes/github.conf (122)
A data/colorschemes/gpl-3.0.txt (674)
A data/colorschemes/grey8.conf (116)
A data/colorschemes/hacker.conf (116)
A data/colorschemes/himbeere.conf (135)
A data/colorschemes/inkpot.conf (118)
A data/colorschemes/kugel.conf (132)
A data/colorschemes/lgpl-2.0.txt (480)
A data/colorschemes/lgpl-2.1.txt (501)
A data/colorschemes/matcha.conf (130)
A data/colorschemes/mc.conf (117)
A data/colorschemes/metallic-bottle.conf (115)
A data/colorschemes/notepad-plus-plus.conf (122)
A data/colorschemes/oblivion2.conf (120)
A data/colorschemes/one-dark.conf (148)
A data/colorschemes/pygments.conf (131)
A data/colorschemes/retro.conf (115)
A data/colorschemes/sleepy-pastel.conf (102)
A data/colorschemes/slushpoppies.conf (120)
A data/colorschemes/solarized-dark.conf (147)
A data/colorschemes/solarized-light.conf (147)
A data/colorschemes/spyder-dark.conf (118)
A data/colorschemes/steampunk.conf (123)
A data/colorschemes/tango-light.conf (120)
A data/colorschemes/tinge.conf (128)
A data/colorschemes/ubuntu.conf (116)
A data/colorschemes/vibrant-ink.conf (123)
A scripts/update-themes.py (106)
-- Patch Links --
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Message ID: <geany/geany/pull/4044(a)github.com>