I improved the color-calltip macros and described its use in the "README" file.
Someday, I hope to add adjustable settings for this that are accessible in the autogen.sh file.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Update ao_colortip.c
* Update ao_colortip.c
* Update ao_colortip.c
* Update ao_colortip.h
* Update README
-- File Changes --
M addons/README (12)
M addons/src/ao_colortip.c (7)
M addons/src/ao_colortip.h (11)
-- Patch Links --
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This is a rebased #2132. I once again updated ctags main to the latest version so it corresponds to current uctags master, then modified some parsers because in the last 1.5 years there have been some minor changes upstream which had to be addressed in the parsers. I also added the `geany_` prefix to all the parsers as I suggested somewhere so we can distinguish parsers which are not completely synced with the upstream version from parsers which can just be copied over from uctags.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Update to latest ctags main
* Add patch to modify anonymous tag name
* Move EXTERNAL_PARSER_LIST to the beginning of BuiltInParsers
* Various parser updates to make them compatible with latest ctags main
* Rename vStringItem to vStringChar
* attachParserField now takes an extra parameter
* useCork is now a bit field
* Rename nestingLevelsGetNth() to nestingLevelsGetNthFromRoot()
* Update cobol and flex parsers to use latest ctags main definitions
* Update TM to use latest universal ctags
* Update tests
* Update HACKING
* Add the geany_ prefix to all parser files
-- File Changes --
M configure.ac (3)
M ctags/Makefile.am (167)
A ctags/ctags_changes.patch (24)
M ctags/main/args.c (6)
R ctags/main/args_p.h (6)
A ctags/main/cmd.c (22)
A ctags/main/colprint.c (295)
A ctags/main/colprint_p.h (37)
D ctags/main/ctags-api.c (144)
D ctags/main/ctags-api.h (57)
M ctags/main/ctags.h (10)
M ctags/main/debug.c (103)
M ctags/main/debug.h (32)
M ctags/main/dependency.c (353)
M ctags/main/dependency.h (26)
A ctags/main/dependency_p.h (58)
M ctags/main/e_msoft.h (23)
M ctags/main/entry.c (1190)
M ctags/main/entry.h (207)
A ctags/main/entry_p.h (77)
A ctags/main/entry_private.c (38)
M ctags/main/error.c (43)
R ctags/main/error_p.h (0)
M ctags/main/field.c (929)
M ctags/main/field.h (82)
A ctags/main/field_p.h (80)
M ctags/main/flags.c (107)
R ctags/main/flags_p.h (16)
M ctags/main/fmt.c (76)
R ctags/main/fmt_p.h (0)
M ctags/main/gcc-attr.h (8)
M ctags/main/general.h (24)
A ctags/main/gvars.h (29)
M ctags/main/htable.c (61)
M ctags/main/htable.h (46)
A ctags/main/interactive_p.h (29)
M ctags/main/keyword.c (36)
M ctags/main/keyword.h (20)
A ctags/main/keyword_p.h (26)
M ctags/main/kind.c (750)
M ctags/main/kind.h (89)
A ctags/main/kind_p.h (82)
M ctags/main/lregex.c (2767)
A ctags/main/lregex.h (47)
A ctags/main/lregex_p.h (77)
D ctags/main/lxcmd.c (1227)
M ctags/main/lxpath.c (87)
A ctags/main/lxpath.h (110)
A ctags/main/lxpath_p.h (28)
M ctags/main/main.c (321)
D ctags/main/main.h (26)
A ctags/main/main_p.h (22)
A ctags/main/mbcs.c (113)
M ctags/main/mbcs.h (29)
A ctags/main/mbcs_p.h (32)
A ctags/main/mini-geany.c (346)
M ctags/main/mio.c (58)
M ctags/main/mio.h (4)
M ctags/main/nestlevel.c (38)
M ctags/main/nestlevel.h (8)
M ctags/main/numarray.c (17)
M ctags/main/numarray.h (14)
M ctags/main/objpool.c (8)
M ctags/main/options.c (2330)
M ctags/main/options.h (168)
A ctags/main/options_p.h (198)
D ctags/main/output-ctags.c (59)
D ctags/main/output.h (50)
A ctags/main/param.c (58)
A ctags/main/param.h (38)
A ctags/main/param_p.h (36)
M ctags/main/parse.c (4695)
M ctags/main/parse.h (260)
A ctags/main/parse_p.h (177)
A ctags/main/parsers_p.h (155)
D ctags/main/pcoproc.c (296)
D ctags/main/pcoproc.h (29)
A ctags/main/portable-dirent_p.h (944)
A ctags/main/portable-scandir.c (240)
M ctags/main/promise.c (224)
M ctags/main/promise.h (12)
A ctags/main/promise_p.h (26)
M ctags/main/ptag.c (204)
R ctags/main/ptag_p.h (39)
M ctags/main/ptrarray.c (9)
M ctags/main/ptrarray.h (7)
A ctags/main/rbtree.c (468)
A ctags/main/rbtree.h (230)
M ctags/main/read.c (691)
M ctags/main/read.h (52)
A ctags/main/read_p.h (81)
M ctags/main/repoinfo.h (2)
M ctags/main/routines.c (192)
M ctags/main/routines.h (76)
A ctags/main/routines_p.h (98)
A ctags/main/seccomp.c (80)
M ctags/main/selectors.c (228)
M ctags/main/selectors.h (16)
M ctags/main/sort.c (104)
R ctags/main/sort_p.h (0)
A ctags/main/stats.c (85)
A ctags/main/stats_p.h (28)
M ctags/main/strlist.c (46)
M ctags/main/strlist.h (1)
A ctags/main/subparser.h (68)
A ctags/main/subparser_p.h (48)
A ctags/main/tokeninfo.c (207)
A ctags/main/tokeninfo.h (97)
A ctags/main/trace.c (120)
M ctags/main/trace.h (101)
M ctags/main/trashbox.h (47)
A ctags/main/trashbox_p.h (30)
M ctags/main/types.h (28)
A ctags/main/unwindi.c (358)
A ctags/main/unwindi.h (84)
M ctags/main/vstring.c (14)
M ctags/main/vstring.h (23)
A ctags/main/writer-ctags.c (434)
A ctags/main/writer-etags.c (202)
A ctags/main/writer-json.c (294)
A ctags/main/writer-xref.c (106)
A ctags/main/writer.c (0)
A ctags/main/writer_p.h (0)
M ctags/main/xtag.c (0)
M ctags/main/xtag.h (0)
A ctags/main/xtag_p.h (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_abaqus.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_abc.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_asciidoc.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_asm.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_basic.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_bibtex.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_c.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_cobol.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_css.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_diff.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_docbook.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_erlang.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_flex.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_fortran.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_go.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_haskell.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_haxe.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_html.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_iniconf.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_jscript.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_json.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_lcpp.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_lcpp.h (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_lua.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_make.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_markdown.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_matlab.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_nsis.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_objc.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_pascal.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_perl.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_php.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_powershell.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_python.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_r.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_rst.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_ruby.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_rust.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_sh.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_sql.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_tcl.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_tex.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_txt2tags.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_verilog.c (0)
R ctags/parsers/geany_vhdl.c (0)
M src/tagmanager/Makefile.am (0)
A src/tagmanager/tm_ctags.c (0)
A src/tagmanager/tm_ctags.h (0)
M src/tagmanager/tm_parser.c (0)
M src/tagmanager/tm_parser.h (0)
R src/tagmanager/tm_parsers.h (0)
M src/tagmanager/tm_source_file.c (0)
M src/tagmanager/tm_source_file.h (0)
M src/tagmanager/tm_tag.c (0)
M src/tagmanager/tm_workspace.c (0)
M tests/ctags/Package.pm.tags (0)
M tests/ctags/bug1938565.sql.tags (0)
M tests/ctags/random.sql.tags (0)
M tests/ctags/refcurs.sql.tags (0)
-- Patch Links --
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Hi, I just thought about this feature though I am sure many others might have come up with the same idea, I could not find a related ticket here so I am posting it for the first time (forgive me if I missed the duplicate).
The basic concept is that there will be a new section in the menu for custom labelled commands, which will execute user-defined commands, with the option of having some wildcard options to replace with the current file's path or parent directory, work directory etc.
I could already think of a few uses for this feature:
1. Show in file manager - `xdg-open %s`
2. Open terminal - `myterminal %w` (working directory or file's parent directory)
3. Open file in external program
Hopefully it is not too hard to implement, it may even be implemented as a plugin :smile:
P.S I am aware that there is a "Send selection to custom command" but that really isn't the same feature.
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Even though I dislike GTK+3 compared to GTK+2, I'm a [glutton for punishment](https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/mousepad/-/issues/49), and it's inevitable.
The main code related stuff is done and was trivial. Left to do is a thorough sweep to remove/replace all GTK+2 related references in docs and other scripts/etc which aren't part of the main C code.
Future work would be replacing various APIs like using `GdkRGBA` instead of `GdkColor` and such stuff like that.
This depends on #2590 and related work.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Initial pass at remove GTK+2
* Remove now dead code guarded with GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
* Remove gtkrc file
* Remove GTK2 from travis.yaml
* SQME: Remove gtkrc from geany.txt manual
* Remove gtk2 from geany-mac-integration.m4
-- File Changes --
M .travis.yml (10)
M configure.ac (32)
M data/Makefile.am (5)
D data/geany.gtkrc (71)
M doc/geany.txt (81)
M m4/geany-mac-integration.m4 (4)
M src/build.c (24)
M src/document.c (11)
M src/editor.c (15)
M src/gb.c (39)
M src/geanywraplabel.c (46)
M src/gtkcompat.h (81)
M src/libmain.c (52)
M src/plugindata.h (11)
M src/sidebar.c (10)
M src/socket.c (7)
M src/stash.c (10)
M src/symbols.c (4)
M src/toolbar.c (2)
M src/ui_utils.c (7)
M src/vte.c (23)
-- Patch Links --
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This pull request allow the usage of relative filepath in the Project file (.geany) and add a checkbox in the project config to active this option.
The aim is to be able to duplicate a project with a copy-paste or to save a project file (.geany) in git, svn or whatever.
issue #2483
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* On ouvre un chemin relatif, mais un soucis :
* nettoyage
* Ajout de la case à cocher
* Ajout de la case "relative file" dans les propriété du projet
* Enregistrement des fichiers en relatif ou absolu selon configuration de la session
* remove spaces
* Ability to load relative paths and absolute path from project file
* Add checkbox in project properties to allow usage of relative paths in project file
* Save relative or absolute file paths in project file depending on the project config
-- File Changes --
M data/geany.glade (36)
M src/keyfile.c (58)
M src/keyfile.h (4)
M src/libmain.c (4)
M src/project.c (29)
M src/project.h (1)
-- Patch Links --
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On Linux, it is possible to use only keys to make a rectangular selection, but on a Mac, this appears to be broken.
System Version: macOS 10.15.7 (19H15)
Kernel Version: Darwin 19.6.0
Perhaps I need to change a keybinding? (attached)
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"document sidebar -> right click on folder -> new file" to create new file in this folder instead of browsing to the destination directory manually in the save dialogue.
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Hi all,
I've successfully built the current master of geany and geany-plugins from source with the scope plugin. However, local variables are not updated automatically in scope. Actually, all the local variables disappear from the "Locals" tab whenever you step, step into, step out or run until cursor during the debugging process. If you right-click refresh in the tab, the local variables are correctly shown in the tab.
The test program is a simple C code which adds several numbers.
Is this a minor bug in the plugin? I currently tested on Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia (based on Ubuntu 16-04) with a 4.10.0-38-generic 64bit kernel, and on a Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with a 4.4.0-75-generic 64bit kernel.
Thanks in advance!
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