Hello, I have a very simple request for Geany which I use heavily.
On my system I frequently view the output of commands the following way:
$ ls -l | nano -
here, nano reads standard input as a new unsaved file, making it easy to quickly access ls command output.
I would love to be able to do the same with geany:
$ ls -l | geany -
In other words, instead of a file, having standard input read as a new unsaved file (which would open either as new window or new tab depending on user's settings, but this is of no concern to me).
Thank you
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After activating the Auto-mark plugin, Find → Find All → Mark no longer marks all matches. Deactivating the plugin restores normal behaviour.
My system is a Debian 9.5 (Stretch Stable) with XFCE. Both Geany and the Auto-mark plugin have been installed from the Debian stable repository. The output of `geany -V is`:
`geany 1.29 (built on 2016-11-16 with GTK 2.24.31, GLib 2.50.2)`
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When I record a macro and search/replace in the document, the macro does not get recorded. If I click on 'Edit macro', the search and replace actions are not visible.
Also, I keep getting a message box "unrecognised message" when I replace text while recording.
Geany version: 1.36
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I edit large text files in geany, and the wall of text is tiring on the eyes. A bit of white space would help tremendously. I've come across the Scintilla command, sci_setextradescent, but have no idea how to implement it. I wonder if there's an easy way to achieve this.
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I improved the color-calltip macros and described its use in the "README" file.
Someday, I hope to add adjustable settings for this that are accessible in the autogen.sh file.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Update ao_colortip.c
* Update ao_colortip.c
* Update ao_colortip.c
* Update ao_colortip.h
* Update README
-- File Changes --
M addons/README (12)
M addons/src/ao_colortip.c (7)
M addons/src/ao_colortip.h (11)
-- Patch Links --
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"document sidebar -> right click on folder -> new file" to create new file in this folder instead of browsing to the destination directory manually in the save dialogue.
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Hi all,
I've successfully built the current master of geany and geany-plugins from source with the scope plugin. However, local variables are not updated automatically in scope. Actually, all the local variables disappear from the "Locals" tab whenever you step, step into, step out or run until cursor during the debugging process. If you right-click refresh in the tab, the local variables are correctly shown in the tab.
The test program is a simple C code which adds several numbers.
Is this a minor bug in the plugin? I currently tested on Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia (based on Ubuntu 16-04) with a 4.10.0-38-generic 64bit kernel, and on a Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with a 4.4.0-75-generic 64bit kernel.
Thanks in advance!
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