Unfortunately Gtk3 dropped the support for flipping through notebook pages for 'usability reasons' without making it available again with some kind of options. So applications like gnome-terminal started to re-implement this feature.
For maintaining feature parity with the Gtk2 backend, geany should re-implement scrolling through notebook pages as well.
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1. Geany: V1.29
2. GTK+: V2.24.30;
3. My OS: Linux Mint 18.1 Serena Cinnamon Edition;
If putting `$\theta \in [0,2\pi)$` in my TEX file, all the code following it and before `\bibliographystyle{abbrv}` is not highlight. If I chang it to `$\theta \in$ $[0,2\pi)$`, it's good.
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When I type in Geany, the letters often take time to appear. For instance, let's say I type 6 characters in 2 seconds. Those 6 characters will appear one at a time, perhaps taking 2.5 or even 4 seconds to appear. This is a serious usability issue, and I have used Geany for a long time but never experienced it before.
This happens at varying degrees of severity on most files I work with. Will update if I discover anything new about the problem.
## Some info:
- OS: Opensuse Tumbleweed
- Geany: 0.32
- CPU: Intel Core i3-7100, Intel HD Graphics
- Desktop Environment: GNOME 3.26
- GTK theme: Adwaita
Let me know if you need anything more or have any suggestions! Even if you don't have suggestions or solutions, comment if you are having the same problem.
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20:49:15: Geany INFO : Geany 1.27 (git >= ad354b7), en_AU.UTF-8
20:49:15: Geany INFO : GTK 3.10.8, GLib 2.40.2
Ignore the commit, Geany Git is actually 27628c0 (I thought we fixed needing to re-configure to get the git version?)
After using Geany for a while sometimes when switching tabs only the line with the flashing caret displays the new file, then after a while some more displays etc.
If I move the cursor into the edit widget it all updates.
Its like Scintilla is not getting the correct triggers to cause full update.
This doesn't happen with all tabs, but the ones edited most.
@b4n any suggestions where to look?
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# Abstract
When naming a variable something that isn't ASCII, but is still a valid Python3 identifier, the variable doesn't show up in the symbols list.
## Problem Info
### Test case:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
correct = bool()
对不对='对' if correct else '错'
Load up that file in Geany, then open the Symbols tab.
### What I expected to see
"correct" and "对不对" both show up in the Symbols list.
### What happened
Only "correct" shows up in the Symbols list.
## Extra info
1. <output>geany 1.27 (built on 2016-04-17 with GTK 2.24.30, GLib 2.48.0)<output>
2. OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
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This code adds the name "HEADER_TEMPLATE" to the variables list in the side bar:
|{:^15}| {}
However this code does not:
|{:^15}| {}
Running Linux Mint, Geany 1.29, Python mode.
Thanks for all your work! Keep it up!
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Using python, this code should only report 1 variable.
data = dict(
en = "beer",
de = "bier",
es = "cerveza"
But 4 variables are reported in the sidebar:
Thanks for all your work!
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When applying [PEP484](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/) (Type Hints) to variables, the list of "symbols" in the current file no longer displays the variables using type hints. The parser should be modified to recognize Python symbols using the format `VARIABLE: TYPE = VALUE`, rather than just `VARIABLE = VALUE`.
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version :+1: OS :
geany 1.32 (construit le 2018-08-01 avec GTK 3.22.26, GLib 2.54.1)
Linux jerome-H310M-S2H-2-0 5.3.0-26-generic #28~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 18 16:40:14 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
please see screen capture
the line
dim filenamecsv as
![Capture d’écran_2020-03-22_19-18-10](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3634…
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