find -L . -not -path '*/\.*' | ctags --totals --fields=fKsSt --extra=-fq --c-kinds=+p --sort=foldcase --excmd=number -L - -f /home/v/compile/2048 NG/2048 NG.tags (в каталоге: /home/v/compile/2048 NG/)
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file "NG/2048" : No such file or directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file "NG.tags" : No such file or directory
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/templates/js-template-default/res/loading.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/tests/js-tests/src/Presentation/Presentation.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/web/template/res/loading.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/web/CCBoot.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/web/cocos2d/labels/CCLabelAtlasCanvasRenderCmd.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/web/cocos2d/core/utils/BinaryLoader.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/cocos/scripting/js-bindings/script/ccui/jsb_ccui_deprecated.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/cocos/scripting/js-bindings/script/debugger/actors/webconsole.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d/cocos/scripting/js-bindings/script/jsb_boot.js
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag in ./cocos2d
So we have to single-quote `/home/v/compile/2048 NG/2048 NG.tags`.
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When I reboot the system - geany loses the list of open files, how to fix it?
System Kubuntu 12, and 14, and 16 - The same behavior.
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When shutting down the OS while geany is open, geany closes but does not remember the open tabs like it does when the user closes geany normally.
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Hello, I have a very simple request for Geany which I use heavily.
On my system I frequently view the output of commands the following way:
$ ls -l | nano -
here, nano reads standard input as a new unsaved file, making it easy to quickly access ls command output.
I would love to be able to do the same with geany:
$ ls -l | geany -
In other words, instead of a file, having standard input read as a new unsaved file (which would open either as new window or new tab depending on user's settings, but this is of no concern to me).
Thank you
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I edit large text files in geany, and the wall of text is tiring on the eyes. A bit of white space would help tremendously. I've come across the Scintilla command, sci_setextradescent, but have no idea how to implement it. I wonder if there's an easy way to achieve this.
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Markdown freezes geany for about 10s on my Win10 system when starting up. I've verified that disabling/enabling markdown is what's causing the delay.
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while pressing . key it doesn't get typed. Have to press it twice and . gets typed twice like this ..
I am facing the problem in my windows 10 pro OS.
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I would like to see the Multipaste option for Scintilla implemented I hacked together something that works, but someone just needs to add a new option in Preferences somewhere to set it
add to sciwrappersc:
void sci_set_multi_paste(ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval) { SSM(sci, SCI_SETMULTIPASTE, SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH, 0); }
add to sciwrappersh:
void sci_set_multi_paste (ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval);
What works for now, but requires that you modify something in Preferences at least once in the session to get it to fire is adding, the following to editorc:
sci_set_multi_paste(editor->sci, 1);
To test it out turn on the setting, change a keybinding in Preferences
Then copy some text to the clipboard, select multilines (Alt+Shift Up/DownArrow) and paste!
Now you should see all pasted text onto each line in the editor
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