The title seems self-explanatory enough.
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The following crash happened recently several times without noticeable reason:

It's Geany 1.25 on Windows, Java 1.7
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Most text editors allow binary files to be opened. Most of the text is gibberish but they display it. But Geany simply rejects to display it because the file is binary. I think it would be nice if Geany would also show the file. One possible use case is to see file headers (for instance for PDFs the first couple of characters indicating that it is PDF).
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Before, **boldface** or *italics* (also _italics_) would not generally show as that, definitely not with the default color scheme. After this change, they appear with the same color as normal text but with that typography, in all color schemes.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Fix boldface and italics
-- File Changes --
M data/filedefs/filetypes.markdown (4)
-- Patch Links --
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I'm on Windows, but I see reports on the internet for Ubuntu too, they are 2012-2015, but perhaps still actual.
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See individual commits. Needs more testing.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Improve GTK+3 theme loading
* Add initial documentation for GTK+ CSS theming
* Add geany.css file to the `Tools->Configuration Files` menu
* Allow customizing message window using GTK+ themes
* Improve GTK+3 CSS docs a bit
-- File Changes --
M data/ (1)
D data/geany-3.0.css (10)
M data/geany-3.20.css (2)
M data/geany.css (20)
M data/geany.gtkrc (17)
M doc/geany.txt (21)
M src/msgwindow.c (53)
M src/ui_utils.c (84)
-- Patch Links --
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Is there a way to reload the config by command line.
Same as `Tools` -> `Reload Configuration`?
Found no capability by the command `geany --help`, nor any keyboard shortcut (to automate with `xdotool`.
**_Hint_**: I am building a dynamic color scheme editor, by modifying my config files. it works fine, but I am currently forced to reload the config at any action. I am looking to keep the same instance running, with the new config?
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Until version 1.32 I used a custom color scheme for interface. I run Geany with this command:
bash -c 'GTK2_RC_FILES=~/.config/geany/my_theme geany %F'
with 1.33 version this launcher does not work... any suggestion?
I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 and GTK 3.18.9, GLib 2.48.2
thank you
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On Ubuntu 16.04 release 1.27 (not tested on latest 1.33 by me) when editing an HTML file, and deleting the last letter of a HTML tag, Geany crashes. The window disappears. Your edits are not saved. Recent file list is not saved. How to duplicate is below
paragraph text here
Position the mouse cursor after the p in the tag <p>, and press backspace.
That easy.
I imagine it has to do with syntax highlighting, and it fails to find a 'tag' value for the HTML Start Tag, that "used to exist". I did not turn off syntax highlighting to find out.
I did search GitHub for a similar issue report, but the keywords I used (two sets) found none.
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If I'm editing file mounting in directory via sshfs I'm don't save it.
I have to copy it to the local system, edit it here, and then copy it back.
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