Hmmm...yes I have also seen some calls like mine in other plugins. Let's say it this way: if never ever a programming error occurs than it is useless to check for ```NULL``` in this case. But whom am I to think that there never will be errors in the future? So I would always check pointers on the "boundaries" functions and just maybe not on internal static functions. In the case of an error it still prevents the user from a crash.
But for now I will keep the code like that. What about writing some own Geany debugging macros which use glib macros if compiled in and if not still guarantee an defined action and consistent error output among geany and geany plugins?
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Are you aware that its possible for distributions or others to build with G_DISABLE_CHECKS and the `g_return_val_if_failed` will be removed, so the function will crash on some poor user if their actions happen to result in the function being called with a NULL?
Your documentation for the function doesn't disallow NULL, so you always need to reject it. Probably better to use an if and `g_warning` or g_critical` for the message, which can be made to crash for easier debugging by setting G_DEBUG.
There have been some spirited Geany discussions about the "right" way to use these Glib debugging macros (IMHO there is none if the macro can be compiled out, unless you can prove by analysis or exhaustive testing that the failure cannot occur to the above mentioned innocent user, but if you can do that you don't need the test in the first place). Its certainly the case that Geany itself is still subject to the problem referred to above.
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1. create `test.c`, `test.h`, `directory/test.h`
2. open `test.c` and `directory/test.h`
3. from `test.c`, try switching to header
4. `directory/test.h` is switched to
it seems like this is using simple base filename checks and does not in any way check the path, so if there is a "matching" header from anywhere else on disk open then this will be used even when it is obviously (looking at paths) unrelated
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just save current file under filename_date_time.xx
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If i leave geany for another application(for example firefox) and click on the tasklist in the panel/taskbar for to reopen geany, then only the search dialog appear on the screen without the main editor window. the same doesn't happen if i use alt+tab to go back to geany; then both the main editor window of geany and search dialog appear together
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I've got a win10 machine with 3 monitors, the primary is a 4k laptop display scaled by 200%. The mouse pointer is unscaled in the text edit window when geany is on the 200%-scaled desktop, making it very hard to see.
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Hi Geany Devs,
I am having a bit of a problem with Geany 1.30.1, I use Geany on Windows and Linux and I have not been able to track down the issue.
It started happening for one file around June 2017 after many years of using geany with no issue's.
The file refuses to accept any typing or copying, after sometimes three, four or in the case of the attached jpg seven letters the file locks up and either adds LF or CRLF or some other chars over the top of the normal text appear, its then totally locked until I restart Geany.
I have been searching for the cause without coming to a solution, some time back in June when it started happening it kind of went away for a week or two now it happens constantly every time I open the file.
- At first I thought at first it was a line ending issue or some kind if it is I am not sure what I can do to fix the issue.
- I have tried changing the encoding of the file to see if this helped but so far it does it on every type of encoding I have tried (using UTF-8).
- I also thought it might be an illegal character, or a character that geany does not like ((( but searching for a character in such a large file seems problematic ))). Does Geany give out any errors ?
- lots of things go through my mind on what the cause could be but over time I have tested the geany and believed that it can / could handle larger files without issues. So I am hoping its not the size of the file that is now too big for Geany.
Required Infomation :
The version number of Geany
The version number of GTK+ (can be printed with geany -V)
Geany: Geany 1.30.1, English_United Kingdom.1252
Geany: GTK 2.24.31, GLib 2.50.3
Geany: System data dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\data
Geany: User config dir: C:\Users\darren.foster\AppData\Roaming\geany
Geany: System plugin path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\lib\geany
Geany: Added filetype Arduino (61).
Geany: Added filetype Clojure (62).
Geany: Added filetype CUDA (63).
Geany: Added filetype Cython (64).
Geany: Added filetype Genie (65).
Geany: Added filetype Graphviz (66).
Geany: Added filetype JSON (67).
Geany: Added filetype Scala (68).
Geany: unknown : None (UTF-8)
I am hopeful that you have encountered this issue and there is a simple solution which means I can continue using the file as it has been a very useful up until now, .
If there is any more information I can provide please do let me know from where.
Help please thanks

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