Add saving project state by changed, please.
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I switched today from Geany 125 to 126 With the new version (running on Windows 7 64bit), I have (reproducibly) a strange problem with one file (its name is `irbrc`) which I had created with 125: When I want to save the file, an error popup occurs (see screenshot) which gives a "permission denied" message Moreover, this popup can not be clicked away (more precisely, when I click on OK, the popup seems to disappear for a fraction of a second, only to reappear again) I think, this behaviour of the popup window is clearly an error, because it is a modal dialogue, and I have to kill Geany with the task manager in order to continue my work It could be that Geany, after I clicked OK, tries again to fulfil the *Save* request, and finds - for whatever reason - the file still write-protected and brings up the same dialogue again
BTW, I don't think that this is *really* a permission issue, even though the message says so, because I can happily edit this file with other text editors I don't know why this file is special It is neither the name nor the content - I can use "save as" to save the file into a different directory

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The treebrowser context menu items "Open externally" and "Open Terminal" don't work on Windows 10.
It doesn't lunch any external application.
However, the "Open Externally" function in built-in plugin Filebrowser is working correctly.
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When writing LaTeX, symbols in the Symbols list are grouped by type (Environment, Section, Paragraph, Chapter, ...), so it is not immediate to understand the structure of the document.
It would be nice if the Symbols list could have a third sorting mode (besided "by Name" and "by Appearance") that makes the Symbol list like a Table of Contents.
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I love the ability to theme the edit area and I prefer a darker theme.
The problem is that the theme does not apply to the side bar which to my mind is a bit inconsistent. Especially when there is a strong light / dark contrast.
I am sure there are users that would prefer it to stay the way it is but for myself at least I would optionally like the relevant portions of the theme to apply to the side bar.
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When editing a document in (soft) Line wrapping mode (the document line that is longer than the screen width is spread over multiple display lines while keeping the same line number), the End key takes you to the end of the document line. This is understandable, but it keeps being unexpected while editing in the middle of a document line...
My proposal is just to change the defaults:
End = "go to the end of the display line", Alt-End = "go to the end of the document line", Home = "go to the beginning of the display line", and Alt-Home = "go to the beginning of the document line"
When not in Line Wrapping mode, it still works the same, but when in Line Wrapping mode, it's more intuitive.
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Dear all,
I am very thankful to the debugger plugin team. It is a very good tool to my work.
I would like to ask some "how to" here. Maybe some of them can be considered into wishlist.
1. How to show variables' address?
In F90, we have LOC(x) to show its address in memery. Can I use it in the "watching window" as well? to access some variables that are located under module?
In intel f90+VS in Windows10, we have "mod::" method in debugger to enable this. Can we have the similar functions in geany?
3. ... (Maybe we can add more "enhancement" under this box?:D)
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The error I'm getting is
> Geany tried to access the Unix Domain socket of another instance running as another user.
> This is a fatal error and Geany will now quit.
I'm aware of [#294](, but I'm not running geany as root. This error occurs whenever I start an instance of geany, then either start another instance or open a file with geany (through right click -> open with geany).
While an instance of geany is running, `ls -l .config/geany/ | grep socket` shows
`lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 60 Feb 26 14:11 geany_socket_Starlight__0 -> /tmp/geany_socket.fcdcdb1b`
If I understand correctly, the owner of this file should be me, not root.
I suspect that this problem is related to the way I've set up my home directory - it's on an NTFS partition. (More accurately, .config/geany is symlinked to a directory on an NTFS partition.)
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I was using [`git-new-workdir`]( and recently switched to using the newer form [`git worktree`](… however found this stops the plugin working.
The reason appears to be that instead of a `.git` directory in the 'worktee directory' there is a `.git` file that contains a reference to the original directory. e.g. `gitdir: /home/ubuntu/origdir.git/.git/worktrees/newdir.git`.
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