Underline color for warnings should differ from color of errors, for example color of erros is red, color of warnings is orange Currently it's red for both
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is there any chance to add Lexer for [AutoIt3 scripting language](https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/) to Geany? I am ready to help with a _filetypes.au3_ and _au3.tags_.
P.S. _LexAU3.cxx_ in the source of Scintilla is old (Jul 26, 2007), but it works (as well as au3.properties).
[There is a new version](https://bitbucket.org/scite-ru/scite-ru.bitbucket.org/src/53d62fc5… (Sep 05, 2013). I tried to compile SciTE 3.6.4 with new version: it's works on Windows XP SP3 (MinGW), but there are some weird problems with ends commentblock on Xubuntu 14.04. I seem to find the problem and wrote the author.
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Is it also possible to change the color scheme in symbols (left) and compilers (down of the page) window?
How could i do this?
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I hate the overlay scrollbars as I find I have to hunt for them, so they are disabled. To over come the missing items that used to come with fallback/flashback Gnome desktop I use 2 sections of code to bring back functionality.
usually in the Theme section of the current theme
* scrollbar *
.scrollbar.vertical {
-GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper: 1;
-GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper: 1;
-GtkRange-slider-width: 16;
-GtkRange-stepper-size: 16;
-GtkRange-stepper-spacing: 0;
-GtkRange-trough-border: 0;
-GtkScrollbar-min-slider-length: 30;
border-radius: 20px;
border-image: none;
.scrollbar.trough.vertical {
border-color: shade (@bg_color, 0.8);
.scrollbar.button.vertical {
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: shade (@bg_color, 0.86);
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, right top,
from (shade (#BDE3F0, 1.08)),
color-stop (0.5, #BDE3F0),
to (shade (#BDE3F0, 0.94)));
box-shadow: inset 1px 0 shade (@bg_color, 1.1),
inset -1px 0 shade (@bg_color, 1.01),
inset 0 1px shade (@bg_color, 1.1),
inset 0 -1px shade (@bg_color, 1.1);
.scrollbar.button.horizontal {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (#BDE3F0, 1.08)),
color-stop (0.5, #BDE3F0),
to (shade (#BDE3F0, 0.94)));
box-shadow: inset 1px 0 shade (@bg_color, 1.1),
inset -1px 0 shade (@bg_color, 1.1),
inset 0 1px shade (@bg_color, 1.1),
inset 0 -1px shade (@bg_color, 1.01);
/* overlay scrollbar */
OsThumb {
color: shade (@fg_color, 1.6);
and 'gtk.css'
in the .config/gtk-3.0 section and /gtk-2.0 section
* Scrollbars *
.scrollbar {
-GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper: 1;
-GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper: 1;
-GtkRange-slider-width: 16;
-GtkRange-stepper-size: 16;
-GtkRange-stepper-spacing: 0;
-GtkRange-trough-border: 0;
-GtkScrollbar-min-slider-length: 30;
Perhaps I do not know where to put these for Geany?
Thanks James Niland
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I wanted to try running geany from source,
so an `autogen.sh` and `make` later I've got it.
I run `src/geany`, skipping `make install` since I don't want to install it,
it gives me the error Failed to open file '/usr/local/share/geany/geany.glade'.
I look around and find no option or environment variable to change the data directory, (something like `-c`)
The two options I found were:
* `mkdir build && ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/build && make && make install`
* changing in https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/master/src/utils.c#L2142 `GEANY_DATADIR` to `""`
neither are good.
Is there something to do to use a source version of geany that doesn't requires modifying the source code or installing it after each make?
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I up graded to Windows 10 and my Geany was fine.
Now with a new computer and a full install of Windows 10, the execute button doesn't work with Geany 1.22 or 1.27
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With geany 1.23.1, running on ubuntu 14.04 LTS, key modifiers like control or alt don't work when in the multiterm terminal window. I am using a non-USA keyboard layout, but even when I switch to a USA layout it doesn't help. Normal keystrokes work but it's a hassle that control-C, etc don' t work well. What can I do to help you debug this problem?
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This is a follow up to #397. Check, whether the fix suggested inside PR is needed or some other solution needs to be there
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The plugin does not highlight all the words that match current word under cursor but only the words which are visible on the screen. During scrolling a document no more highlighted word appears.
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I hope to see different colors for errors and warnings texts in Compiler Tab.
is that possible?
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