'Geany' no longer detects if there is an instance of itself already running, thus multiple instances are starting up, instead of files being opened in the current instance.
I doubt it is a "#ifdef HAVE_SOCKET" not being defined since the mutexs (called mutants in win32) are being created with the name 'Geany'.
I suspect it had to do with recent cleanups and changes in https://github.com/geany/geany/commits/c5b0fc459a1251c824a44edb5dfab4a8feb0…
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I don't recall specifically enabling the XML Snippets plugin, but it appears to conflict with the internal XML tag closing mechanism in some way. I recently ran into an issue editing an XSL stylesheet where typing the closing bracket (`>`) would crash Geany. I disabled the XML Snippets plugin, and Geany didn't crash when typing the closing bracket, while allowing Geany to create the closing tag using the built-in function.
What does XML Snippets do that the `XML/HTML tag auto-closing` built-in feature doesn't? Should XML Snippets be removed?
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When I select one character, the <b>sel</b>ection count and the <b>col</b>umn number are correct, but when I extend the selection by one character, the <b>sel</b>ection increases by 4 not 1, although the <b>col</b>umn number only increases by the expected value of 1.
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I have a new PC which has a 13 inch 1920x1080 display. It comes with a W10 display configuration with a zoom of 150% (recommended) for the texts and applications.
It works well for other applications but geany is now blurred. The icon as well. cf image.
Could you do something ??
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While trying operator overloading in Rust, I see some unexepected behaviour of Geany. For a structure called ComplexNumber, the implementation of Add and Mul require separate implementation blocks. I expected that Add and Mul would be listed together with print and magnitude. If I try operator overloading in a similar way in C++, the member functions get nicely grouped below the name of the structure, even if they are defined in separate blocks. See the picture and the attached Rust example.
use std::ops::{Add,Mul};
pub struct ComplexNumber {
r : f64,
j : f64
impl Add for ComplexNumber{
type Output = ComplexNumber;
fn add(self, rhs: ComplexNumber) -> ComplexNumber {
ComplexNumber {r: self.r+rhs.r, j: self.j+rhs.j}
impl Mul for ComplexNumber{
type Output = ComplexNumber;
fn mul(self, rhs: ComplexNumber) -> ComplexNumber {
ComplexNumber {r: self.r*rhs.r-self.j*rhs.j, j: self.r*rhs.j+self.j*rhs.r}
impl ComplexNumber {
fn print(& self) {
print!("{}+{}i ",self.r,self.j);
fn magnitude(& self) -> f64 {
fn main()
let a = ComplexNumber {r: 1.0, j: 0.0};
let b = ComplexNumber {r: 0.0, j: 1.0};
let c = a + b;
let d = a * b;
let e = c + d;
print!("{} ", e.magnitude());
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When I push the text size up to the limit using <b>control+mouse wheel</b> and then do a word completion, the choice seem to be truncated.
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Please consider adding snippets to word completions so that when I want <b>lambda</b> acted on as a snippet, I would be able to type <b>lam</b>, choose from the possible completions, and then if I chose <b>lambda</b> from the list with the <b>tab</b> character, the snippet would be completed to get <b>𝝺</b>
Thanks for your consideration of this matter.
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The following crash happened recently several times without noticeable reason:
It's Geany 1.25 on Windows, Java 1.7
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in Geany 125 ("Veed") there is a typo in the LaTeX code completion
The command \Longleftrightarrow is misspelled as \Longlettrightarrow
This error actually persists since several years :-)
Interestingly enough, the same bug was found in Kile https://bugskdeorg/show_bugcgi?id=136961
Could be that they started from the same databases for code completion
Thanks for correcting that
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Lex Trotman wrote
> Yes **untitled.xxx (where xxx is the file extension)
> has to be in the first three lines and only the
> first occurrence is replaced**. *This has nothing to do
> with templates, its a new-file save feature, and it
> does not appear to be documented,* **can you raise an
> issue so its not forgotten.**
More at http://news.gmane.org/gmane.editors.geany.general
11 nov 08:36 2015 Lex Trotman [Geany-Users] Geany templates
From: Lex Trotman <elextr@...>
Subject: Re: [Geany-Users] Geany templates
Newsgroups: gmane.editors.geany.general
Date: 2015-11-11 07:36:03 GMT
Richard H
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