
I've been working a bit on my Geany-plugin Djynn. A few of the points in the plugin wishlist has been added to the plugin.

* In Project mode, be able to open recursively many source files under an existing tree
- in the project manager, all files in a folder and subfolders can be opened at once

* A 2nd sidepane on the right-hand side. It would be practical to see filetree and class browser at the same time. (core-thingy? I dunno) or split the sidepane to see the filetree above the class browser
- the project manager with file tree can be opened as a second sidepane

* List of all projects in sidebar. The project entries should be expandable to show a treeview of all files in the projects base path

* Add a javadocs option for java users
- djynn has an option for javadoc/doxygen comments

* HTML Characters - Inserts HTML character decimal references like "&" andhexadecimal references like "&" as well as the existing support forentity references like "&". This could be a setting in the Geany preferences.
- djynn has a function for encoding and decoding HTML and a few other formats

Per Löwgren