I wrote an sql plugin for gedit a while back which was based on my experience with Microsoft's SQL client.  Basically the approach I took, and I think this would work for geany as well, was:
  1. Manage various connections to databases and allow switching between the connections - the connection is global to geany (Actually, I think my first plugin only allowed one connection, and later when I tried to remake the plugin for gedit3, I allowed multiple connections to be managed)
  2. Run queries from any open document by highlighting them and using some keyboard shortcut and/or button
  3. Display the results in a scrollable gtk table in the bottom pane.  This was especially beneficial as the ASCII presentation from the command line is hard to see when it starts wrapping.

That would be a reasonable minimum.  We could extend it from there to:

  1. Show tables in the current database on the side panel, expandable to show the columns
  2. Allow editing of the cells in the table output

Some further thoughts:

  1. I used SQLAlchemy for my gedit plugin (it was in python) because it allowed connecting to various SQL databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc
  2. If there is a way to make the output in a table on a separate thread to not lock the UI, that would be good for larger result sets.  We could at least create some optional built in limit of how many results.
  3. A way to kill the query in progress would be good


On 03/24/2014 06:25 AM, Federico Reghenzani wrote:

do you think a simple text console (as mysql cli client) or some kind of graphics?

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Frank Lanitz <frank@frank.uvena.de> wrote:
Hi folks,

A often wished feature at our boothes at e.g. Chemnitzer Linux Tage were
to have some kind of a SQL plugin for Geany, supporting executing
queries at the database.
As I'm also looking for something like this, I'm wondering what do you
think such a plugin should be able to do in some global view. I don't
think we will be able to build up another MySQLWorkbench or PGAdmin --
and this is also not my goal for a Geany plugin -- but most likley more
than an execution of queries might would be useful.

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