On 2017-05-11 12:40 PM, Benjamin Bales wrote:
Lex and Matthew,
You seem to disagree on this issue. Is this a valid issue? And if so, do
you like the fix? I can batch a few of them (<= 10) as a single PR. No
If they're valid bugs (even minor), it certainly doesn't hurt to make a PR (or even an Issue just giving the info). They'll probably require more than an automated fix though, to account for formatting/indentation as well as looking at how it affects the code. Likely they'll need a human to evaluate what the correct fix is, for example the one given before is probably not very good as it just guards out code that was expected to run, rather than figuring out how the code was meant to work and make it do that.
Matthew Brush
On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 8:22 PM, Matthew Brush <mbrush@codebrainz.ca> wrote:
On 2017-05-10 04:09 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:
On 11 May 2017 at 08:10, Benjamin Bales <benjamin.bales@qbitlogic.com>Naw, I think it's technically a real bug, albeit very minor. It's the
CodeAi (https://github.com/C0deAi), an automated repair tool developed at
QbitLogic (www.qbitlogic.com), suggested the following fix. Could IThis function is called (via the signal framework) by the function that
submit it as a patch if it looks alright?
plugins/saveactions.c: “doc->file_type” pointer might be dereferenced
null on line 283. Initialization may be provided by “doc” passed in as a
function argument, but a null check would be prudent just in case. The
checks “doc->file_type” for null before allowing a dereference on the
following line. A snapshot of the bug report generated by CodeAi is
attached. A full report is available upon request.
created `doc` and as such cannot be null. The design of the application
uses the signal framework to decouple caller and callee and this is likely
to confuse your tool since it cannot see where functions are called.
Whilst any contributions are welcome, a report with a lot of similar false
positives may end up being ignored and be a bad advertisement for your
`file_type` member of the `doc` that can be NULL. IIUC tools like this look
to see if you checked the NULL-ness of something and then proceed to
dereference it outside of that check later, which this code does (checks if
`ft == NULL` several lines up and then unconditionally dereferences it on
the line given by the OP).
Matthew Brush
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