On 4 November 2013 00:29, Dimitar Zhekov <dimitar.zhekov@gmail.com> wrote:

As some of us know, I'm writing a completely new implementation of
the spawning in Geany, to fix the issues under win~1, and to provide
higher level interface, thus stopping the calling modules (build,
search, ...) from doing "their own thing", for example tools.c using
g_shell_parse_argv() even under win~1, which is a bug. You can have a
look at the latest messages for [1].

Hi Dimitar,

Thank you in advance.


My intention is to use this thread to discuss questionable spawning
issues. So the first question is: should we _completely_ disable the
console for win~1 console applications? If we do that, any stdout/err
output not captured by a Geany pipe will be discarded. Under *nix,
when Geany is not started from a terminal, such output normally goes
to ~/.xsession-errors, which is somewhat useful.

I propose to always create the win~1 programs with a minimized,
non-focused window. For console programs, the uncaptured output will
go to the console, and will be lost when the console is auto closed
by win~1, but that's better than nothing. Moreover, if a console
program crashes, the console will remain on screen until you confirm
the win~1 crash dialog.

Though not a windows user, that sounds sensible to me, but will it work with execute keeping the console open until enter is pressed?



[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/geany/bugs/943/

E-gards: Jimmy
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