Users who are not satisfied with octave won't change it anyway because there isn't another alternative afaik. Matlab cannot be used outside its IDE. Octave does pretty much all what matlab does and more. All it's messing is a big fancy IDE.

-- Amr

2009/5/30 Enrico Tröger <>
On Fri, 29 May 2009 17:36:43 +0200, Frank wrote:

>On Fri, 29 May 2009 17:38:59 +0300
>Amr Hassan <> wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> Great work on Geany. It's by far my most favorite text editor. A few
>> minutes ago with the help of dmaphy on IRC, I was able to make it a
>> bit more awesome for me by having it execute .m files on octave the
>> way it does with python. All I had to do was add:
>> [build_settings]
>> # %f will be replaced by the complete filename
>> # %e will be replaced by the filename without extension
>> # (use only one of it at one time)
>> compiler=
>> run_cmd=octave -q "%f"
>> to the end of the file ~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.matlab,
>> that would execute the script on octave if it's installed. I was
>> wondering if this could be added by default.
>> Octave is a pretty decent matlab-compatible free tool (
>> So, what do you guys think?
>I'd prefer to leave it empty as it is. Octave is even on Linux systems
>not always the correct choice and may cause confused users. But this
>are just my 2ct ;)

I don't mind much as I don't know Matlab nor Octave and so I can't
judge whether Octave would be a sane default or not.
However, I'd say if Octave is a Matlab-compatible GNU tool, why not
using it as the default? If users don't want to or can't use it, they
can just change the command in the Set Includes and Arguments dialog.
While currently users have to manually add the appropriate section to
the config file. So, I'd agree with Amr.


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