Referring to bug Auto-close parenthesis - ID: 2957958 ( https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2957958&group_id=153444&atid=787791 )
I successfully reproduced the issue and was able to debug it.
The problem is in file editor.c function auto_close_char Line:1397

In the switch-case block the ifs have a compulsory condition which is end_pos == -1 , as far as I understand end_pos is the current position of the brace ( caret ) returned by SSM(sci, SCI_BRACEMATCH, pos, 0) and when the second opening brace is typed the end_pos becomes >0 so the code never enters the if block. Just by removing the condition the problem is fixed.I was unable to get why that specific condition was added, can anybody please help me here?

Also if there is auto completion of braces when a '(' is typed why there is no auto removal of ')' when a brace is deleted?

I am sorry if the mail looks pretty unprofessional but I have just begun to learn geany code base.
Can anybody please assign the bug to me? I dont know how to do it in SF I think only the Project admins can do it.
Any help is appreciated.

Thank you