>>> >anyone willing to) come up with a system to implement it...
>>> Yeah, that'd be the very first step: provide a clean patch (ideally
>>> based on a recent SVN version).
>>Does anyone have some experiences in Mercurial -> SVN conversion...
>>that'll be a good occasion to try out svn in any case....
>Nope. But if have the sources in a Mercurial repository, just create a
>patch and send it to the list. Me or anyone else probably will be able
>to apply it to a current SVN version.
Ping :).
yep...yep :D
I was drawn away by something else for a while....
I'm progressing slowly...I have added an entry gchar* to the GeanyLexerStyle struct...to hold a font name...
i'm studying how it propagates, how the structure is used by different functions...i'm facing pointer pbs, basically...my font name does not propagate properly through functions...
The way I'm hacking highlighting right now is probably not proper as well...
basically in set_sci_style(), i'm passing a bunch of conditional SSM(sci, SCI_STYLESETFONT, style, (sptr_t) some_font_name);
but for example, if I use the change font option in the menu of geany, it's breaking this customization....it's good enough for my use...but not for public release....
if you have a hint for me... :D
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