While browsing the Geany website, I found the following
After compiling and/or installing gms, start Geany and go to menu
Tools->Plugin Manager and set checkbox at gms plugin.
You can configure the following options::
o Shell path, o Perl path, o Python path, o sed path, o Awk path, o
user script .
After configuring, go to menu Tools->Plugin Manager and click to
"Mini-script". Geany opens a gms dialog box:
System Message: ERROR/3
line 59)
Unexpected indentation.
o With the combobox, you select the script type,
o In the text view, you write the filter script.
o In the input area, you select the filter input::
* current selection
* current document
* all the session documents
o In the output area, you select the filter output::
* current document
* new document
o and you click on the apply button.
Attached is a patch. As well as fixing the error on line 59, I fixed a
general problem with bullet lists, changed the version to match the
latest version in the changelog, and a few other minor changes.