I can't speak for others, but...

I'm not sure what versions of GTK are considered bleeding edge, but I am on linux Mint 11 (2011) since I am still upset with how Gnome3 has screwed linux up and made it's UI regress substantially, but I digress...

Here is my version information if this is helpful:
geany 1.23 (git >= df4373c) (built on Mar  8 2013 with GTK 2.24.4, GLib 2.28.6)

It looks like I'm using newer GTK 2, but if by bleeding edge you mean GTK 3, then I haven't made that switch yet.  I'm guessing you just mean 2.24 for GTK2 and something separate for GTK 3 (I don't know the versions it has).

Hope this helps,


From: Harold Aling <geany@sait.nl>
To: Geany development list <devel@lists.geany.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Geany-Devel] Don't pop-up messages/steal focus when in terminal

On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 1:40 AM, Lex Trotman <elextr@gmail.com> wrote:
> Agree with Thomas, we should go to 2.24 for windows since we supply the
> bundle, Linux doesn't need to go so far, for eg what GTK did the current red
> hat and suse enterprise versions release with, expect 2.18 or 2.20.

I might be stepping completely out of line with this remark: Do people
with dusty old GTK's use bleeding edge Geany?
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