Hi! I'm a general programmer/CS student who likes to use Geany for everything textual. I got around to installing the Unity 5 Editor a few days ago but was disappointed to find that its scripting workflow mainly went through MonoDevelop, so I switched that to Geany in the preferences.

Unfortunately, this meant I lost all of the built-in autocomplete and hinting features, so I spent a few hours constructing building a .tags file for the Unity 5 Scripting API for Geany. You can find it here: https://github.com/DThought/unity-tags

I thought I'd share it in case other people found it useful and could be added to http://www.geany.org/download/extras#tags.

By the way, I thought I'd mention that http://www.geany.org/download/extras#colors seems severely outdated, considering there's a completely new theming system in Geany (https://github.com/codebrainz/geany-themes/tree/master/colorschemes).

~ Ethan